To optimize a woman’s fertility, the most important initial step is to take better care of her body. But what else can a woman do to improve her odds of having a baby? There are many tips to conceive naturally.
The most important advice for a woman who wants to get pregnant is to get to know her body, specifically her menstrual cycle.
It is important to know how far apart a woman’s cycles are so that she can more accurately time intercourse to try to get pregnant
Here are some of the top 10 tips to conceive naturally:
1. Understand menstrual cycle frequency
A woman who wants to have a baby should observe whether the first days of her periods tend to come the same number of days apart every month, which is considered regular.
Contrarily, her periods may be irregular, meaning her cycle lengths may vary from month to month.
By tracking this information, a woman can better predict when she might be ovulating, which is the time when her ovaries will release an egg every month.
A woman’s egg is fertile for only 12 to 24 hours after its release whereas, a man’s sperm can survive in a woman’s body for up to five days.
2. Track ovulation
Women with regular cycles ovulate about two weeks before the arrival of their periods. It’s harder to predict ovulation in women with irregular cycles, but it usually occurs 12 to 16 days before the start of her next period.
There are several methods women can use to help determine their most fertile days each month, like home ovulation prediction kits sold in retail drug stores or follicular study.
3. Have intercourse regularly during the fertile period
The “fertile period” spans a six-day interval, five days prior to ovulation and the day of it. These are the days each month when a woman is most fertile.
4. Try for a healthy body weight
Research has shown that a woman who is overweight can take twice as long to become pregnant than a woman whose BMI is considered normal.
However, a woman who is underweight might take four times as long to conceive. Having too much body fat produces excess estrogen, which can interfere with ovulation.
Losing about 5 to 10 percent of body mass before a woman starts trying to conceive could improve her fertility level. Women who are very thin might not be able to get regular periods or could even stop ovulating.
5. Consume prenatal vitamin
After consulting a physician, women who are attempting to conceive should start taking a prenatal vitamin even before becoming pregnant.
Another possibility is to take a daily multivitamin, as long as it contains at least 400 micrograms (mcg) per day of folic acid, a B vitamin that’s important for preventing birth defects in a baby’s brain and spine.
Starting on with folic acid supplementation is a good idea because the neural tube develops into the brain and spine 3 to 4 weeks after conception occurs, before many women may realize they’re expecting.
6. Eat healthy foods
Although there may not be a specific fertility diet, eating a variety of healthy foods can help prepare a woman’s body for pregnancy by giving her an adequate amount of vital nutrients such as calcium, protein, and iron.
This means eating a variety of whole grains, fruits and vegetables, dairy, lean protein, and healthy sources of fat.
A woman should also consume foods rich in B vitamin like fortified breads and cereals, dark green leafy vegetables, broccoli, beans, citrus fruits.
7. Cut back on heavy workouts
Being physically active can help a woman’s body prepare for the demands of pregnancy. But getting too much exercise or doing frequent heavy workouts could interfere with ovulation.
Hence a lot of times these women need to cut back on their workouts if they want to become pregnant.
8. Be informed of age-related fertility problems
As women get older their fertility decreases because of age-related changes in the ovaries that cause a decline in the quantity and quality of her eggs.
There is a gradual fertility dip in women beginning in their 30s, a significant decline in their late 30s and a steep dip in 40s. These declines mean it may take longer to become pregnant.
9. Quit the smoking and drinking habits
Smoking can lead to fertility problems in both women and men.
Chemicals found in cigarette smoke, such as nicotine and carbon monoxide, speed up the loss of fertility in woman. Smoking ages a woman’s ovaries and decreases her supply of eggs prematurely.
It is better that a woman should stay away from secondhand smoke, which may also affect their chances of becoming pregnant.
It is safe for a woman to avoid alcohol when she is hoping to conceive. Once a woman becomes pregnant, there is no such level called “safe amount of alcohol”.
10. Know when to seek help
Both the man and the woman should think of having an infertility assessment if the woman is 35 or older and has not conceived after six months of having intercourse regularly without using birth control.
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