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Does Folic Acid Prevent Down Syndrome?
Introduction The chromosomes are the cause of the widespread condition known as Down syndrome. Though research indicates that folic acid intake may help avoid the formation of this hereditary disorder, there is still the question of “Does folic acid prevent Down syndrome?”...
What are the causes of Down Syndrome?
We all know chromosomes are large genetic storage bins in our bodies containing our DNA. A mismatch in this chromosome number becomes the primary cause of a most common genetic disorder known as Down syndrome. And most of us are aware of...
Down Syndrome – A Complete Encyclopedia
What is Down syndrome? Down syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by abnormal cell division during pregnancy. Human cells contain 23 pairs of chromosomes, and this abnormal cell division results in an extra copy of chromosome 21. Thus, the 21st pair will...
Down Syndrome – Cause, Symptoms and Types
What is Down Syndrome? The human body is a wonderful assembly of a specific amount of cells that are connected together.. Any change in the exact cell count can result in a genetic disorder. Down Syndrome is one such disorder that occurs...