Impaired glucose tolerance during pregnancy is also called as pre-diabetes where the sugar levels are higher than normal but lower than 200 mg/dL.
Gestational diabetes is one of the common concerns for most pregnant mothers.
Hence, healthcare experts ensure to prescribe GCT, Glucose Challenge Test to check the glucose levels in blood.
And if the test report turns out to be abnormal, a test called GTT, Glucose Tolerance Test is prescribed.
GTT abbreviation is a blood test where a blood test is taken after the first, second and third hour of drinking a glucose solution.
GCT is the basic test that is prescribed for all pregnant mothers. It is typically done during the second trimester, from around 24 to 28 weeks of pregnancy for most pregnant mothers.
A glass of water mixed with 50 grams of glucose is given to the mother and blood is drawn an hour after drinking this solution to check for sugar levels.
If the results show high blood sugar levels i.e. higher than 140 mg/dL, the pregnant mother will be asked to make some changes to her diet and lifestyle.
The gynecologist may also suggest medicine for people with sugar levels over 199 mg/dL.
But those with sugar levels in between 140 to 199 mg/dL are diagnosed with a condition called impaired glucose tolerance which is also called pre-diabetes.
What is impaired glucose tolerance during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, there are many hormonal changes happening inside a woman’s body, including changes in the levels of estrogen and progesterone as well as the placental hormones.
These changes can make the mother’s body resistant to insulin leading to higher blood sugar levels. Insulin resistance means difficulty in using the sugar for bodily functions.
In most cases, this leads to impaired glucose tolerance where the blood sugar level is anywhere between 140 to 199 mg/dL.
Can you reverse impaired glucose tolerance during pregnancy?

Yes, it is possible for most pregnant women with low risk pregnancies to reverse impaired glucose tolerance during pregnancy.
But it is important to talk to your doctor and make changes in your lifestyle and food habits under their guidance.
How often should I check my blood sugar levels after being diagnosed with impaired glucose tolerance?

If you are diagnosed with impaired glucose tolerance during pregnancy, your doctor may prescribe a Hba1c test every few weeks and monitor your blood sugar levels on a regular basis.
Will I get type 2 diabetes if I have impaired glucose tolerance during pregnancy?
Under the guidance of a healthcare professional and with proper changes in food habits and lifestyle, most pregnant women can reverse impaired glucose tolerance and not be diagnosed with type2 diabetes.

Impaired glucose tolerance or pre-diabetes during pregnancy is easily manageable by taking necessary steps.
But if not managed well, it is possible for this condition to turn into type 2 diabetes. So ensure to consult with your doctor and have a routine blood sugar test.
For appointments and consultations with the best gynecologist in Chennai Dr. Deepthi Jammi, Contact Jammi Scans at 7338771733.
Chennai women’s clinic is now Jammi Scans.
Dr. Deepthi Jammi (Director, Jammi Scans) is a qualified OB/GYN and Post-Doc in Maternal Fetal Medicine. As a pregnancy ultrasound expert, she is passionate about healthy pregnancies and works towards spreading awareness on the latest diagnostic options available for parents to choose from. Dr.Deepthi has received gold medals and awards in Fetal Medicine at international and national conferences, and has appeared in numerous prestigious regional magazines and TV interviews.