Pelvic scans done following a C-section are often done to evaluate changes in your bladder and uterus. While they carry some risk, they’re especially helpful in evaluating organs that might otherwise be hard to reach with a regular exam.
Here’s how pelvic scans work, the process, the reason you need this scan, and more in detail! Read till the end to know more.
What is a Pelvic scan?
A pelvic scan is an ultrasound analysis of the lower abdomen or also known as the pelvis area. It is used to determine the size and form of the pelvis as well as any abnormalities in the urinary tract or reproductive organs. It is normal for patients to undergo a pelvic scan as part of their post-operative care after a C-section.
Why do you need a Pelvic scan after C-section?
Post a c-section delivery, it is advised that you undergo a pelvic scan in order to ensure that your recovery is on track. It further allows doctors to scan and prevent any complications if they are likely to arise.
Can you see scar tissue from C-section on ultrasound?
High resolution transvaginal ultrasound (TVS) can detect Cesarean section (CS) scar defects, which are present in up to 19% of women after c-section. Myometrial thinning with a visible defect in the myometrium on TVS or scar dilatation at the level of the lower anterior myometrium in women who have previously undergone C-section 2. Deficient scar is defined as detectable myometrial thinning, while dehiscence is partial scar separation and rupture is complete scar separation.
Are there any risks involved?
A pelvic scan does not include any risks to the mother or the baby as it is performed the same way as a regular ultrasound.
However, the c-section procedure in itself might cause some complications such as blood loss, infections, blood clots, reaction to anesthesia, surgical injury and increase in the chances of complications with future pregnancies.
A pelvic scan after a C-section is an effective and recommended test that helps new mothers and doctors ensure that the body is recovering in the right way.
A pelvic scan after C-section further allows to prevent and cure any complications that may have been caused due to the surgery thus avoiding fatality. Always talk to your doctor or surgeon about the post-care for c-section deliveries.
Chennai Women’s Clinic is now Jammi Scans