NIPT and CVS are closely associated with Confined Placental Mosaicism, a cell line with abnormal chromosomes that is only present in the placenta. Both prenatal chorionic villus sampling (CVS) and noninvasive prenatal testing can detect confined placental mosaicism (CPM) in utero.
Let’s learn more about their similarities, differences, and accuracy in this blog.
What are NIPT and CVS?
Let’s first study what NIPT and CVS are.
Noninvasive prenatal testing or (NIPT)
NIPT is a prenatal screening that examines DNA from your baby’s placenta in a blood sample to determine whether you are at increased risk of having a child with a genetic disorder.
It is to be noted that the NIPT cannot determine for certain whether your baby has a chromosomal disorder, rather can only identify the likelihood of the condition.
The results of a NIPT screening can help you and your doctor decide what steps to take next, such as whether to have a diagnostic test such as chorionic villus sampling (CVS) or amniocentesis (“amnio”).
Chorionic villus sampling or CVS
If you are at a higher risk of having a child with a chromosomal disorder or a birth defect, your doctor may advise you to undergo chorionic villus sampling or CVS.
CVS is a first-trimester prenatal diagnostic test that involves taking a small tissue sample from the chorionic villi, which are finger-like projections of the placenta.
Because this sample contains the same genetic information as your baby, it can be used to accurately screen for chromosomal conditions like Down syndrome and abnormalities like cystic fibrosis and muscular dystrophy. (It can also determine your baby’s gender, so speak up if you don’t want to know.)
Still, CVS testing isn’t for everyone, and there are some minor risks involved. Here’s what you can expect if you decide to go ahead with the procedure, as well as what you can learn from the results.
Is CVS the same as NIPT? Differences between CVS and NIPT
If you are at high risk, your doctor or midwife will discuss the possibility of additional tests with you. Enter the NIPT: The test can detect up to 99 percent of Down syndrome babies, as well as trisomy 18 and trisomy 13, both of which can cause serious physical and intellectual problems.
It can be done as early as the 10th week of pregnancy, even before the first blood tests and ultrasound, which can be beneficial for women over 40 who are aware of their increased risk. The baby is completely safe during the test.
The NIPT has a low false positive rate of about 1 in 1,000—when the test indicates an increased risk of a problem but there isn’t one. However, it is high enough that if you are considering abortion based on NIPT results, you should first get an amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling (CVS) test to confirm the diagnosis.
Alternatively, you can skip the NIPT and proceed directly to an amniocentesis or CVS test.
Is CVS better than NIPT?
NIPT is more sensitive than CVS for detecting CPM involving the cytotrophoblast that is restricted to a small portion of the placenta.
Is NIPT the same as genetic testing?
Analysing cfDNA in the NIPT from the placenta allows for the early detection of certain genetic abnormalities without causing harm to the fetus. It is therefore the same as any other genetic testing.
NIPT may include testing for additional chromosomal disorders caused by missing or duplicated chromosome sections. NIPT is used to screen for genetic disorders caused by variants in single genes.
Is CVS more accurate than NIPT?
Since NIPT cannot provide a diagnosis, it should not be referred to as an “alternative” to CVS or amniocentesis.
Additionally, CVS is not always the best test to recommend after NIPT because, like NIPT, it uses cells from the placenta, which means that placental mosaicism could affect the results just as it could with CVS. On the other hand, the results of CVS are twice safe and proven.
Take a word from an expert – Jammi Scans
It is always wise to take advice from an expert as to whether NIPT or CVS is right for you as a pregnant mom. If you are confused or need a second thought, call our Jammi Scans to identify which genetic testing suits you better, considering your age and risk factors.
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