The Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) is used to identify chromosomal abnormalities like Down syndrome as well as a wide range of other genetic diseases. We have captured a whole range of topics around CVS in this blog for you.
How much bleeding is normal after CVS?
It is typical to experience brief “spotting” or very minor bleeding from your vagina after CVS. For the first 24 hours after the procedure, your doctor or nurse may advise against strenuous activity and sexual activity. Otherwise, you’re free to resume your regular activities.
Recovery after the procedure. What can you not do after CVS?
To make sure everything is okay, your doctor may ask you to stay in the hospital for up to an hour. She will use an ultrasound to examine your infant. The laboratory receives the placenta sample.
Your doctor will then offer you an injection of anti-D immunoglobulin if you are rhesus negative. You won’t produce antibodies against your child’s blood cells if you do this.
After a CVS, some women experience stomach pain, and it’s typical to experience some cramping, spotting, or light bleeding for a day or two.
Although there isn’t much evidence to support paracetamol’s effectiveness as a pain reliever, it is safe to take if you’re in discomfort. Before taking any additional medications, consult your fetal medicine expert or your healthcare provider.
After the CVS, your doctor will advise you to rest. Having a companion is a good idea, whether they are driving you home or accompanying you on the bus. If you can relax for the remainder of the day.
Also, it is crucial to;
- Skip sexual activity and physically demanding activities for the next two to three days.
- Take a professional’s advice against taking baths or swimming if the CVS was performed through your cervix.
- Don’t schedule any trips. Although flying is not dangerous, it is a good idea to stay at home for a few days just in case you experience any symptoms that need to be examined.
Although some cramping and light bleeding over the following day or so are normal, let your healthcare provider know.
What should I expect after CVS? How long does cramping last after CVS?
Possible mild cramps that resemble menstrual cramps will occur after your CVS. Cramping typically lasts a few hours, and rarely for more than a full day. Additionally, for up to a week after the procedure, you might experience some spotting or brown discharge.
Use sanitary napkins rather than tampons if you experience spotting. You shouldn’t engage in sexual activity, take a bath, or go swimming until your period has been completely dry for three days.
What happens if a problem is discovered with my baby?
To learn more and discuss your options, you will be provided with genetic counseling and a meeting with a specialist in maternal-fetal medicine. While some women choose to end their pregnancies, others choose to carry them to term.
Regardless of the path you take, you might discover that you need more counseling or support. Support groups, one-on-one therapy, or a combination of both may be beneficial to some women.
In order for your practitioner and genetic counselor to provide you with the proper referrals, be sure to let them know if you require additional support.
Which would be better, a CVS or amniocentesis?
Because CVS is performed earlier in pregnancy (as early as 10 weeks), you can learn more about your unborn child’s health faster. Your mind will be at ease much faster if everything is okay. You may also choose to terminate the pregnancy if there is a serious issue if you are still in the first trimester.
On the other hand, you might choose to hold off on having an invasive test until you receive the results from your second-trimester anatomy ultrasound. Amniocentesis would be your only option at that point.
Particular health issues:
For instance, you might want to wait to see if there is an abnormal second-trimester anatomy ultrasound if noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) shows that your chance of having a child with Down syndrome is very high. You might opt for an amniocentesis if that reveals an abnormality.
Although amniocentesis and CVS are generally thought to have a similar miscarriage rate, this may not always be the case. These procedures may be frequently performed in hospitals, which could explain their low miscarriage rates for both.
However, since CVS is only performed by a small minority of medical professionals, it might be challenging to locate a skilled specialist in some regions.
You should consult with them before deciding on any of these issues.
Chennai Women’s Clinic is now Jammi Scans